Let’s talk about your privacy.

You own it ~ Period. So you (and you alone) decide who sees what. The way it should be.

So what’s with the Wayne Family? Actually, Wayne was the FIRST name of our client (not his last) ~ and he’s one of several whose work you’ll simply never see. Wayne is actually gone now, but per his wishes ~ the proceeds went to his family, as he had always intended.

That’s really all anyone needs to know ~ except that we’re sensitive to privacy and are always happy to honor any level of privacy you want ~ including inside or outside the family.

Wayne Final Square.JPG

We can say that Wayne was a patriot ~ and a proud Navy man ~ maybe you can tell.


Meanwhile, the other takeway here is that in “Storytelling” ~ especially in family storytelling ~ you can advance more quickly if you start with an existing scrapbook or photo album. Here’s why:

Because someone (maybe you ~ or someone close to you?) has already gathered and sequenced the work ~ possibly with existing captions. It may also be that this album contains A) photos whose negative locations are unknown); or B) photos that several in the family may want to see and share; or C) one-of-a-kind photos so treasured (of the piano and mantle variety) ~ whose negative locations are ALSO unknown ~ that you just can’t leave behind.

So whether you do a DIGITAL album from scratch ~ or a digital version of an ANALOG album ~ just know that there are HUGE advantages to the digital approach ~ in gathering, sequencing, transitioning, navigating, and sharing ~ not to mention ultimate album surviveability!

Check some of our other Album examples, too ~ and see what others couldn’t leave behind!
