You don’t need to get a tattoo to honor your Mamma!

You may have seen other versions of Digital Greeting techniques on other pages. This one (above and below) is a fairly simple Mother’s Day greeting – to animate your wish.


Who do YOU know . . . who needs a Mamma wish?!

Moms are everywhere . . . and certain ones need to be gifted . . . with a tandem greeting!


The RESULT comes in the totally traditional CARD form, above, with envelope. The “tandem” part is in the WEB page (a custom address you write in the card) – that mirrors the original sentiment.

But you can then EXTEND the original sentiment on the WEB page . . . wherein it AMPLIFIES and deepens – or adds content to – the message on your card. Where the greeting is welcome - but where the WEB address is unexpected . . . and where a deeper message can be in simple text, in an animation, a movie, or even in the sound of your own VOICE!

The cost of doing a tandem CARD & WEB PAGE greeting is less expensive than you might think. A simple, tandem Mom’s Day wish (without the customizations above) – is less than $25.

Your choice here may be to send a tandem greeting to a very special individual (when he or she deserves it!). But a greater VALUE comes in MULTIPLES . . . where special (much less expensive) rates apply for an announcement to a Board of six or to a Hoard of a hundred.

But your tandem Greeting is limited only by your imagination!

For a quote on a more custom card and web design – individual, small business, or corporate – just call or write – and we’ll get back to you . . . usually within 24 hours!

But check some of the other Greeting examples!
