Digital Greetings can be a real eye opener!

You may have seen other versions of Digital Greeting techniques on other pages. This one (above and below) is a fairly simple New Year image we create – to animate your wish.

Lightbulb One.JPG

Start with a single, almost reluctant light bulbs . . .

Lightbulb Two.JPG

. . . and create any wish or message, (generic or custom) of your choice.


The RESULT comes in the totally traditional CARD form, above, with envelope. The “tandem” part is in the WEB page (a custom address you write in the card) – that mirrors the original sentiment.

But you can then EXTEND the original sentiment on the WEB page . . . wherein it AMPLIFIES and deepens – or adds content to – the message on your card. Where the greeting is welcome - but where the WEB address is unexpected . . . and where a deeper message can be in simple text, in an animation, a movie, or even in the sound of your own VOICE!

The cost of doing a tandem CARD & WEB PAGE greeting is less expensive than you might think. A simple, generic, New Year wish (without the customizations above) – is less than $25.

Your choice here may be to send a tandem greeting to a very special individual (when he or she deserves it!). But a greater VALUE comes in MULTIPLES . . . where special (much less expensive) rates apply for anything from a Board of six to a Hoard of a hundred.

But your tandem Greeting is limited only by your imagination!

For a quote on a more custom card and web design – individual, small business, or corporate – just call or write – and we’ll get back to you . . . usually within 24 hours!

But check some of the other Greeting examples!
